CyberBroker Time

Human Time

About CyberBroker Time

Blox Time

A standard of time used within The Paradigm. Due to thought dilution, the perception of time moves about three times as fast within the Paradigm as it does IRL. So for every 1 second that passes IRL, 3 relative seconds would pass in the Paradigm. For this reason all equivalents listed are relative to how time passes within the Paradigm. A tix is the smallest unit of Blox Time, and is the equivalent to 1 second. There are 60 tix to a blox; 60 bloxs to a stax; 6 staxs to a syx; 4 syxs to a cirxit; and 100 cirxits to a Paradigm Cycle.

Cycle (100 cirxit)

A measurement of time used both within the Paradigm and IRL. In IRL, a Corporate Cycle (CC) is approximately 400 days, based on the calendar established at the start of Corporate Cycle 001 to mark the founding of the Global Corporate States. Within the metaverse, a Paradigm Cycle (PC) is made up of 100 cirxits, the equivalent to 100 days of time passing within the Paradigm. Due to thought dilution, 1 Paradigm Cycle takes 33.3 days IRL and 12 Paradigm Cycles pass within the span of 1 Corporate Cycle.

Cirxit (4 syx)

A measure of time inside the metaverse, approximately equivalent to one day. Pronounced “circuit”.

Syx (6 Stax)

A measure of time within the metaverse, approximately equivalent to 6 stax. There are 4 syxes which divide each Paradigm cirxit; the morning syx, the day syx, the evening syx, and the night syx. Many systems within the Paradigm are tied to the syx system, such as environmental effects, bot and mob routines, and re-mezz rates. Syxs are linked directly to the 6 hour recommended safety limit for how long a biological mind should be linked to the metaverse without a break of at least 2 hours. This allows a drifter to experience 3 syxs within the metaverse while only 6 hours pass in the real world, and then take a break for the last syx of the cirxit before diving back in again. Pronounced “six”.

Stax (60 blox)

A measure of time inside the metaverse, approximately equivalent to one hour in the metaverse. Pronounced “stack”.

Blox (60 Tix)

A measure of time inside the metaverse, approximately equivalent to one minute.

Tix (1 second)

A measure of time inside the metaverse, approximately equivalent to one second. Pronounced “tick”.